Saturday 26 September 2015

Top 10 # Home Made Remedies For Pimple And Acne

Home Made Remedies For Pimple And Acne; Pimples and Acne are one of the worst nightmares for any woman. They have been haunting us since our teenage days and sometimes even after. They use form on the face, back, shoulders, neck and chest. When the pores of the face gets clogged up due to the accumulation of sebum, dead cells and dirt, it leads to pimples. It’s pretty common for oily skin types, but even people with dry and normal skin sometimes face it.
Remove Pimple And Acne 

Home Made Remedies

1. Sugar scrub: Skin exfoliation is the most important beauty treatment that you should follow in order to maintain healthy, glowing and pimple free skin. Brown sugar is one of the mildest natural exfoliate. It removes the dead cells, dirt, sebum and impurities from the pores, which causes pimples.

# Mix together 3 teaspoons of brown sugar in 1 teaspoon of honey.
# Apply all over the face and scrub gently in circular motion.
# Once dry after 15 minutes wash off with cold water and pat dry.

2.Aloe Vera gel or leaf. For some time, I had an aloe Vera plant in my home. Then I forgot to water it. For a month. Anyway, whenever I started to feel a pimple coming on, I’d break off a tiny bit of the leaf and rub the gel inside over it. Worked like a charm at heading off (sorry for the pun) the pimple. You don’t have to have a plant – just look for the purest aloe Vera gel you can find in your local natural foods store.

3.Take your honey straight; At night, slather on a little honey over an extra-large pimple. Cover this with a band-aid, and sleep with the band-aid on. In the morning, remove the bandage, be amazed at the lack of pimple, and rinse your face well.

4.Neem face pack: Neem is one of the most widely known anti acne home remedies which have been used since ages.They are rich in anti fungal, anti bacterial and blood purifying properties working as a best natural astringent. It cools down the skin and prevents you from getting pimples.
1 Grind a few neem leaves to form a paste. You can either use fresh leaves or dried leaves. In the tutorial I have used dried leaves.
2 in this, add 1 teaspoon of multani-mitti (fuller’s earth).
3 Add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and raw milk to form a smooth paste. Turmeric has 4 anti- bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.Apply on the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.Here are a few readily available face packs for acne skin.

5.Dissolve some salt in lemon juice. If you want even MORE drying power than just straight lemon juice, try dissolving 1/2 tsp salt in 2 tsp lemon juice, rub on the zit and leave on (being aware that lemon juice is also bleaching and can cause sensitivity to the sun).
Home Made Remedies For Pimple
6.Potato pack: a to is a good absorbent of excess oil and sebum and it also removes dirt and grease from the skin. It reduces dark circles, puffiness under the eyes, blemishes and acne marks. Regular application of potato pack shows effective results.This is another wonderful acne home remedies.
1.Thin slices of potato can be applied over the pimples. You can also grate the potato and the juice can be applied over the pimples and acne. Sliced potato can be kept over the eyes to reduce the dark circles and puffiness.

7. Cinnamon pack: Cinnamon is another home remedy for pimples that has anti-microbial properties which help to fight pimples and also add a healthy glow on the face.

Grind a few pieces of cinnamon to form a powder.

8.Spice it up with some nutmeg and cloves; Put 2 tsp. whole cloves and 1 tsp ground nutmeg in 1/4 c. milk. Heat on low for 10 minutes (careful not to scald the milk!). Allow the milk to cool. With a small washcloth or other fabric, apply the spicy milk to the pimply areas – or all over your face!

9.Orange peel pack:Orange contains large amounts of citric acid and vitamin C, which refreshes skin and relieves the acne. The orange peel as well as its juice can be used to treat acne and pimples.

1 Grind a few pieces of the orange peel to from a paste.
2 Apply all over the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

10. Natural scrub:This homemade scrub will help to clean up dirt, dead cells and oil that tend to build up and block pores, which then lead to pimples.

1 Take one teaspoon of rice flour in a bowl.
2 In it, add a teaspoon of gram’s flour (besan) and ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder.
3 Add a teaspoon of raw milk to form a smooth paste and apply over the face.
4 Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

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